Biochar Stability Database Schema

The database contains 4 tables described below: articles, data, metadata, and validation.


The table `articles` contains an inventory of scientific articles reporting biochar incubation experiments.

ID_artIdentifier of the articleintegerThe unique identifier (integer) given to an article containing biochar incubation observations. The identifer is also used in the tables data & metadata.
AuthorDateFirst author and publication yearstringA short text identifier of the article with last name of first author and publication year.
FullCitationFull citation of the articlestringThe full citation of the article, in text format.
DOIDigital Object IdentifierurlThe DOI of the article, for easy online access.
ContactAuthorContact author email addressemailEmail address of the contact author of the manuscript, as available in published article, or as in mail correspondance with author.
RawData_statusStatus of the raw databooleanDescribes whether the raw data (incubation data & meta data) are available in the database. Values can be: yes, no.
RawData_remarkRemark on the status of the raw datastringHow was the data collected (from author, digitized, supporting information, from other person than authors) or why it was not possible to collect the data (author contacted but no reply received).
RawData_copyrightCopyright regarding the raw databooleanDescribes to what extent the data can be shared in a public database. By default, the value is `NotPublic`. It can be labelled `Public` if the data was obtained from authors with their approval for sharing, if it was digitized manually, or if the article was published open-source. TO_DO: discuss that.
NbObsNumber of observationsintThe number of observations reported in this article (replicates of a given experimental setup count as a single observation).
Spokas2010Article included in Spokas 2010booleanWhether the article was included in the earlier biochar stability estimates by Spokas (2010).
Singh2012Article included in Sing 2012booleanWhether the article was included in the earlier biochar stability estimates by Singh (2012).
Budai2013Article included in Budai 2013booleanWhether the article was included in the earlier biochar stability estimates by Budai (2013), non-peer reviewed work performed for the International Biochar Institute.
Wang2016Article included in Wang 2016booleanWhether the article was included in the earlier biochar stability estimates by Wang (2016).
Lehmann2019Article included in Lehmann 2019booleanWhether the article was included in the earlier biochar stability estimates by Lehmann (2019), referring to the appendix of the 2019 revision of the IPCC greenhouse gas inventory guidelines.
Woolf2021Article included in Woolf 2021booleanWhether the article was included in the earlier biochar stability estimates by Woolf (2021).


The table `data` contains the decomposition time series for each individual observation (statistical average of the replicates). Depending on how the incubation data is reported, the 3 variables (biochar remaining, biochar decomposed, biochar decay rate) can be re-calculated knowing at least one of them.

ID_obsIdentifier of the observationintegernoneThe unique identifier (integer) given to a biochar incubation observation, i.e. any single experiment leading to a decay curve for a given biochar in a given environment, including replicates. Same field as in the tables article & metadata.
ID_artIdentifier of the articleintegernoneThe unique identifier (integer) given to a peer-reviewed article reporting biochar incubation data. Same field as in the tables article & metadata.
timeTime, in days, relativefloatdaysTime of incubation starting at t=0 when incubation starts. Usually, at t=0, the biochar decomposed is equal to 0 and the amount remaining is equal to 100. Time values, in days, can be of type float (decimals) when data were retrieved by digitizing figures.
dateTime, in days, relativefloatdaysTime of incubation starting at t=0 when incubation starts. Usually, at t=0, the biochar decomposed is equal to 0 and the amount remaining is equal to 100. Time values, in days, can be of type float (decimals) when data were retrieved by digitizing figures.
biochar remainingDate, in YYYY-MM-DD, absolutefloatYYYY-MM-DDReal date at which incubation took place.
F_tot_absgC tot / kg soilTotal flux of carbon dioxide (expressed in C) mineralised between two measuring times, in absolute terms.
d_bc%Share of biochar carbon in the mineralised flux of carbon, determined by isotopic technique
d_soc%Share of soil organic carbon in the mineralised flux of carbon, determined by isotopic technique
F_bc_absgC bc / kg soilFlux of biochar carbon (expressed in C) mineralised between two measuring times, in absolute terms.
F_soc_absgC soc / kg soilFlux of soil organic carbon (expressed in C) mineralised between two measuring times, in absolute terms.
F_bc_relgC bc/ gC bc iniFlux of biochar carbon (expressed in C) mineralised between two measuring times, in relative unit (divided by initial amount of biochar carbon).
F_soc_relgC soc/ gC soc iniFlux of soil organic carbon (expressed in C) mineralised between two measuring times, in relative unit (divided by initial amount of soil organic carbon).
Fn_soc_absgC soc / kg soilFlux of soil organic carbon (expressed in C) mineralised between two measuring times, in absolute terms, in the control experiment.
Fn_soc_relgC soc / gC soc iniFlux of soil organic carbon (expressed in C) mineralised between two measuring times, in relative unit (divided by initial amount of soil organic carbon), in the control experiment
k_tot_absgC tot / kg soil / dayDecay rate of total soil carbon (biochar and soil), average between two measuring times, in absolute terms.
k_bc_absgC bc / kg soil / dayDecay rate of biochar carbon, average between two measuring times, in absolute terms.
k_soc_absgC soc / kg soil / dayDecay rate of soil organic carbon, average between two measuring times, in absolute terms.
k_bc_rel0gC bc / gC bc ini / dayDecay rate of biochar carbon, average between two measuring times, in relative terms (divided by initial amount of biochar carbon).
k_bc_reldgC bc / gC bc t-1 / dayDecay rate of biochar carbon, average between two measuring times, in relative terms, dynamic (divided by biochar carbon remaining at the previous time step).
C_bc_loss_absgC bc / kg soilCumulative biochar carbon loss since start of incubation, absolute
C_bc_loss_relgC bc / gC bc iniCumulative biochar carbon loss since start of incubation, relative to initial amount of biochar carbon
C_bc_rem_absgC bc / kg soilCumulative biochar carbon remaining since start of incubation, absolute
C_bc_rem_relgC bc / gC bc iniCumulative biochar carbon remaining since start of incubation, relative to initial amount of biochar carbon
C_tot_loss_absgC tot/ kg soilCumulative carbon loss since start of incubation, absolute
C_tot_loss_relgC tot / gC iniCumulative carbon loss since start of incubation, relative to initial amount of biochar and soil organic carbon
P_soc_absgC soc - gC n socPriming flux of soil organic carbon, absolute (flux of SOC in biochar incubation minus flux of SOC in control incubation)
P_soc_relgC soc / gC soc iniPriming flux of soil organic carbon, relative (flux of SOC in biochar incubation minus flux of SOC in control incubation, divided by initial amount of SOC)


The table `metadata` contains a set of metadata describing the experimental conditions of each biochar incubation. The fields in this table relate to the type of biomass, the pyrolysis conditions, the biochar properties, and the incubation conditions.

ID_obsIdentifier of the observationintegernoneidentificationnaThe unique identifier (integer) given to a biochar incubation observation, i.e. any single experiment leading to a decay curve for a given biochar in a given environment, including replicates. Same field as in the tables article & metadata.
ID_artIdentifier of the articleintegernoneidentificationnaThe unique identifier (integer) given to a peer-reviewed article reporting biochar incubation data. Same field as in the tables article & data.
AuthorDateFirst author and publication yearstringnoneidentificationnaA short text identifier of the article with last name of first author and publication year.
NameObsName or identifier of the observation in the original research articlestringnoneidentificationnaThe name or identifier of the observation as in the original article from which it is taken. This field allows to easily cross-check the information collected from the original article.
ReplicatesNumber of replicatesintegernoneidentificationnaThe number of replicates performed for this specific observation.
BiomassName of the biomassstringnonebiomassnaThe name the biomass used to produce biochar. Text can be as detailed as necessary (e.g. type, species, cultivation details).
BiomassClassName of the biomass classstringnonebiomassnaClassification of the biomass feedstocks in a few number of categories: wood, grass, crop-residue, manure, biosolids. TO_DO: agree on a list of classes.
BiomassLigninLignin content of the biomassfloat%biomassnaThe average lignin content of the biomass feedstock, either reported from the authors or taken from database on biomass properties.
PyrolysisPyrolysis process descriptionstringnonepyrolysisnaBrief description of the pyrolysis process (e.g. reactor type, brand, scale, process conditions).
PyrolysisClassName of the pyrolysis classstringnonepyrolysisnaClassification of the pyrolysis processes into a few number of categories: pyro-slow, gas, htc, pyr-flash, no-treat, torr. Note: no-treat can be used to describe raw biomass incubation.
HHTPyrolysis Highest Treatment Temperaturefloat°CpyrolysisnaThe Highest Treatment Temperature reached during the pyrolysis, as reported in the article. Note: there is an uncertainty related to determination of pyrolysis temperature.
RTPyrolysis Residence time at the Highest Treatment TemperaturefloatminpyrolysisnaThe residence time at the Highest Treatment Temperature during the pyrolysis. Note: often difficult to distinguish the total residence time in the reactor from the residence time at the highest treatment temperature, in the information available in articles.
HRPyrolysis Heating Ratefloat°C per minpyrolysisnaThe pyrolysis heating rate, i.e. the average speed at which the biomass feedstock is heated during the pyrolysis, until it reaches the highest treatment temperature, as reported in the article.
Soil typeSoil typestringnoneincubationnaBrief description of the soil type used for the incubation, e.g. using soil classification standards.
Soil clay contentClay content of the soilfloat%incubationnaClay content of the soil, as reported by authors.
Soil sand contentSand content of the soilfloat%incubationnaSand content of the soil, as reported by authors.
Soil silt contentSilt content of the soilfloat%incubationnaSilt content of the soil, as reported by authors.
Soil organic matter contentOrganic matter content of the soilfloat%incubationnaOrganic matter content of the soil, as reported by authors (neglecting inorganic carbon content). TO_DO: decide if total carbon content rather than organic matter content is preferable?.
SoilMoisture_AbsoluteAbsolute moisture content of the soilfloat%incubationnaAbsolute moisture content of the soil, as reported by authors. It can be maintained constant in laboratory incubations, while it may vary with climate in field experiments. In that case, a climatic average can be reported.
SoilMoisture_WHCMoisture content of the soil relative to WHCfloat% WHCincubationnaMoisture content of the soil relative to the soil's water holding capacity, as reported by authors. It can be maintained constant in laboratory incubations, while it may vary with climate in field experiments. In that case, a climatic average can be reported.
pH_soilSoil pHfloatnoneincubationnapH of the soil before mixing addition of biochar
pH_bc-soilSoil-biochar blend pHfloatnoneincubationnapH of the soil after addition of biochar
SoilOriginGeographic origin of the soil samplestringnoneincubationnaGeographic origin of the soil sample used for incubation, reported as a text value.
SoilGeolocationGeographical coordinates of the soil sampletuplenoneincubationnaGeographical coordinates of the site of extraction of the soil sample, given as a tuple (latitude, longitude) in decimal format. If only a region is given, the approximative center of the region is used.
LabFieldLab or field experimentbooleannoneincubationnaWhether the incubation is carried out in a lab environment (`lab`) or in the field (`field`).
CultivatedLab or field experimentbooleannoneincubationnaWhether the plants are cultivated in the incubation experiment, `yes` or `no`.
IncubationTemperatureTemperature of the incubationfloat°CincubationnaFor lab experiments, average incubation temperature as reported by authors. For field experiments, climatic average temperature at the field where the experiment is located.
IncubationDurationDuration of the incubationfloatdaysincubationnaDuring of the incubation experiment, expressed in days.
ApplicationRateBiochar application rate to the soilfloat%, dry weight / dry weightincubationnaBiochar application rate to the soil.
TotalFluxMeasurementTotal Flux Measurement methodstringnoneincubationnaHow the total flux of decomposed carbon dioxide was measured in the incubation. This field can be e.g. titration
BiocharFluxDeterminationBiochar Flux Determination methodstringnoneincubationnaHow the fraction of the total flux of decomposed carbon dioxide attributed to biochar was determined. This field can take one of the following values: `13C natural abundance`, `13C depleted`, `14C labeled`, `13C labeled`, `13C isotopic signature`, `Headspace CO2, coulometer, no other source of C in soil`. TO_DO: some namings may be equivalent, to check.
OtherIncubationDescriptionOther Incubation DescriptionstringnoneincubationnaOther information on the incubation experimental setup not covered in other fields. In particular: aged biochar process if any; microbial activity measures or community stucture.
AssociatedControlAssociatedControlbooleannoneincubationnaWhether the biochar incubation was performed alongside a control incubation without biochar: `yes`, `no`
Ash550Biochar ash content at 550°Cfloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaBiochar ash content at 550°C as determined in lab analysis. TO_DO: add references to appropriate laboratory methods (DIN, ASTM).
Ash700Biochar ash content at 700°Cfloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaBiochar ash content at 700°C as determined in lab analysis. TO_DO: add references to appropriate laboratory methods (DIN, ASTM).
CarbonBiochar carbon contentfloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaBiochar (total) carbon content, as determined in lab analysis.
Carbon, organicBiochar organic carbon contentfloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaBiochar organic carbon content, as determined in lab analysis.
HydrogenBiochar hydrogen contentfloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaBiochar hydrogen content, as determined in lab analysis.
NitrogenBiochar nitrogen contentfloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaBiochar nitrogen content, as determined in lab analysis.
SulphurBiochar sulphur contentfloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaBiochar sulphur content, as determined in lab analysis.
OxygenBiochar oxygen contentfloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaBiochar oxygen content, as determined in lab analysis or more commonly calculated as 100-C-H-N-S.
MagnesiumBiochar magnesium contentfloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaBiochar magnesium content, as determined in lab analysis.
PotassiumBiochar potassium contentfloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaBiochar potassium content, as determined in lab analysis.
H/C_orgHydrogen to organic carbon molar ratiofloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaHydrogen to organic carbon molar ratio of the biochar sample, either as reported by authors or recaculated from elemental composition. TO_DO: discuss what to do if C_org or H is not reported; if we know about ash composition or not, re-estimate C_org or H from the rest?
H/C_totHydrogen to carbon molar ratiofloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaHydrogen to total carbon molar ratio of the biochar sample, either as reported by authors or recaculated from elemental composition.
O/C_orgOxygen to organic carbon molar ratiofloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaOxygen to organic carbon molar ratio of the biochar sample, either as reported by authors or recaculated from elemental composition. TO_DO: discuss whether to include it at all, whether it should be O/C or O_org/C_org or O/C_org, knowing O_org is never/impractical to measure. Argument to include O/C: reproduce earlier Spokas 2010 results.
C/NCarbon to nitrogen molar ratiofloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaCarbon to nitrogen molar ratio of the biochar sample, either as reported by authors or recaculated from elemental composition.
pH_H2OBiochar pH in H2OfloatnonebiocharnapH of the biochar sample in water, at 1:5 ratio.
pH_CaCl2Biochar pH in CaCl2floatnonebiocharnapH of the biochar sample in calcium chloride, at 1:5 ratio.
CECCation Exchange Capacityfloatcmol / kgbiocharnaCation Exchange Capacity of biochar sample
SA_N2Surface area with N2floatm2 / gbiocharnaSurface area of biochar sample measured with dinitrogen gas.
SA_CO2Surface area with CO2floatm2 / gbiocharnaSurface area of biochar sample measured with carbon dioxide gas.
FixedCarbonFixed carbonfloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaFixed carbon of biochar sample as determined in proximate analysis.
VolatileMatterVolatile Matterfloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaVolatile matter of biochar sample as determined in proximate analysis.
ParticleSizeParticle Sizestring?biocharnaAverage biochar particle size at the time of incubation.
BulkDensityBulk densityfloatkg / m3, dry weightbiocharnaBulk density of incubated biochar, measured at its particle size (not grinded), untapped. TO_DO: discuss whether needed (rarely available)
TrueDensityBulk densityfloatg / cm3, dry weightbiocharnaTrue density of incubated biochar, as measured in laboratory analysis (finely grinded).
OxidationH2O2Chemical oxidation with H2O2floatg / cm3, dry weightbiocharCross, A.; Sohi, S.P. A method for screening the relative long-term stability of biochar. GCB Bioenergy 2013, 5, 215-220Chemical oxidation with hydrogen peroxide, according to Edinburgh stability test.
BiocharYieldYield from biomass to biocharfloat%, dry weight / dry weightbiocharnaThe pyrolysis yield as biochar dry mass over biomass dry mass
δ ¹³C biocharBiochar isotopic signaturebiocharnaRatio of isotopes 13C / 12C in the biochar studied, before incubation
δ ¹³C soilSoil isotopic signaturebiocharnaRatio of isotopes 13C / 12C in the soil studied, before incubation
ID_Lehmann2019Identifier of this observation in Lehmann 2019strnaidentificationnaIdentifier of this observation in Lehmann 2019 (see Excel files in folder former-assessments)
ID_Woolf2021Identifier of this observation in Woolf 2021strnaidentificationnaIdentifier of this observation in Woolf 2021 (see Excel files in folder former-assessments)
ID_Lehmann2021Identifier of this observation in Lehmann 2021strnaidentificationnaIdentifier of this observation in Lehmann 2021 (see Excel files in folder former-assessments)


The table `metadata_validation` contains two additional fields for each field in the `metadata` tables. The table `metadata_validation` is used for data validation, tracability and transparency. The two fields are `fieldName_comment` and `fieldName_loci`. The field `fieldName_comment` describes how the metadata was retrieved and if any assumptions/calculations were made by the person compiling the data. The field `fieldName_loci` explains where the metadata was found, e.g. Article, Table 3; Article, Section 2.3, p230; SupportingMaterial, Table S3; SupportingMaterial, Excel; DocumentFromAuthors; ReferenceInArticle, Table 2. If needed.

Soil type_commentstring
Soil type_locistring
Soil clay content_commentstring
Soil clay content_locistring
Soil sand content_commentstring
Soil sand content_locistring
Soil silt content_commentstring
Soil silt content_locistring
Soil organic matter content_commentstring
Soil organic matter content_locistring
Carbon, organic_commentstring
Carbon, organic_locistring
δ ¹³C biochar_commentstring
δ ¹³C biochar_locistring
δ ¹³C soil_commentstring
δ ¹³C soil_locistring